Coaching Projects
"Collaboration is two or more people working together to achieve a common goal."
A Diversified Industries Conglomerate Listed Company
Group of Coachees: General Managers
Project Duration: 2022 to 2023
Our Role: Executive Coach on the Panel
It’s a 1on1 executive coaching development for the GMs. Our executive coaches partnered with them to optimize their leadership potential and capacities to drive their team performance effectively. We constantly reviewed their developmental progress and growth with the senior management to plan for business growth and people development strategies.
A Leading Digital Clients' Shopping Experience Technologies Company
Group of Coachees: Senior Executives (CEO, Co-Founders, Directors)
Project Duration: 2021
Our Role: Program Designer | Executive Coach & Facilitator
It's a Team Coaching Process. The Coach facilitated them to revamp and formulate their organizational Vision, Mission and Value Statements and prepared them to integrate these to plan long-term business development with collaborative relationships and results.
A Biopharmaceutical Innovative Medicines Company
Group of Coachees: All Directors
Project Duration: 2021 to 2022
Our Role: Program Designer & Executive Coach
It's a customized Leadership Development Program for all Directors via Workplace Big Five Profile™ to support them in understanding their leadership styles from different facets, as shown in the reports, including their strengths and potential areas of development.
A Leading Research-based Biopharmaceutical Company
Group of Coachees: Professional Finance Team
Project Duration: 2020-2021
Our Role: Team Coach & Program Designer
It's a team learning and developmental journey designed. The Team Coach met the team regularly. The key focus areas were empowering them to move from being individualized to team-focused, shifting ownership to the team, building up team goals and norms, and enhancing personal growth to team effectiveness.
A Leading Global HR Consulting & Professional Services Company
Group of Coachees: All Levels, Corporate Clients
Project Duration: 2019 to Present
Our Role: Executive Coach & Wellbeing Master Trainer
It's a partnership and collaboration with customization on Mental Health and Emotional Wellness program series for Corporate Clients. We are working closely and researching to customize and design the learning and development programs per the client's needs.
A Globe Trailblazing Technology Organization
Group of Coachees: Team Heads & Project Director
Project Duration: 2016 to 2021
Our Role: Executive Coach on the Panel
It’s an ongoing 1on1 and group coaching development for the Team Heads and Project Director. We were a panel of Executive Coaches and regularly conducted individual and group coaching per their Professional Development Plans. We gathered them to form a group of Coach-to-Coaches practice and introduced the uptrend coaching tips, tools, models and exercises for their handy applications at the workplace. We constantly reviewed their developmental progress and growth with the senior management to plan ahead of the following steps per their business growth and people development strategies.
A Multinational Manufacturer and Marketer of Luxury Brand
Group of Coachees: Sales Manager, Field Coaches and Internal Experienced Coaches
Project Duration: 2016 to 2020
Our Roles: Project Designer, Master Trainer and Executive Coach on the Panel
It's an ongoing people development program with individual and group coaching for experienced in-house Coaches, including customizing "Train-the-Coaches" refreshment training and follow-up practicum sessions. We designed a series of developmental programs and conducted stakeholders' interviews, on-site and shop observations, feedback sharing and reviews with the client regularly to calibrate the progress and contents to match the needs of their people growth strategy, organizational culture values and business growth.
A Global Licensed Food & Beverages Chain Group
Group of Coachees: District Senior Managers
Project Duration: 2012-2014
Our Role: Executive Coach on the Panel
It’s a people developmental intervention for the District Senior Managers who oversee all chain restaurants in Hong Kong. We were a panel of Executive Coaches who conducted one-on-one coaching development with them. After completing the whole program, our coachees were nominated and awarded as the “Most Transformative Leaders” by the company group.